AAAS/Subaru Prize for Excellence in Science Books

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Empowering the Educators

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash.

Across the world, many caregivers and educators are trying to support education outside of the classroom. They face obstacles to learning including internet access, resource access, and language barriers.

At AAAS, STEM Education is hard at work to bring quality resources to learn about science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) from home. The AAAS’ Education Resource collection, supported by Subaru of America, features online learning resources, including videos and activities in STEM. Each activity is designed for easy implementation by caregiver and child and encourages inquiry-based learning. Supplementary resources are at the end of each activity to make the newfound knowledge stick.

“All students should have access to transformative, meaningful, and culturally representative science experiences,” expressed Suzanne Thurston, STEM Education Director, “so that they can identify and be curious about the science around them and see themselves as a scientist, inventor, storyteller, and advocate.”

The AAAS/Subaru SB&F Book Prize and science literacy website is for all learners! The lessons and activities allow kids to learn on their own and include:

  • Award-winning books for grades K-12 that teach factual sciences

  • Videos on STEM-related topics and presentations

  • Hands-on activities that are scientifically accurate and interactive and downloadable

Although it may seem intimidating to conduct science experiments at home, each hands-on activity should take no longer than 45 minutes and uses basic household materials! For example, one activity collects plastics in your home – and all it requires is a piece of paper and a writing utensil to help tally. Visit the Education Resource page to learn more.

Additionally, in response to the coronavirus pandemic, Science and AAAS have a collection of COVID-19 Resources, that provides credible, evidence-based information and brings you the latest research and commentary, along with extensive news coverage of the crisis.